时间:2015-07-03 11:20:15    点击次数:16146



Geriatric Rehabilitation Dept.
The department of geriatric rehabilitation which integrates geriatric rehabilitation, treatment, health care and nursing care can improve the life quality of elderly patients by the rehabilitation of geriatric multiple organs diseases ,the development of the elderly training of posture transfer, joint activity, muscle strength, walking, daily activities, the corrective training of urinary incontinence, syncope, fall and gait arrhythmia, the improvement of the sleep disorder, cognitive function, the prevention and treatment of oppressive bedsore.

The Range of Rehabilitation and Treatment:
1.Organ dysfunction caused by various chronic diseases including cerebrovascular disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, malnutrition, dementia and insomnia.
2.The aging suffering clear physical or functional disability, and the decrease of daily life's ability including chewing difficulties, activity limitation, syncope, fall and gait disorders caused by physiological or pathological aging.

: 这是本分类下的第一篇文章

版权所有:无锡市中心康复医院 Copyright @ 2023 Wuxi Central Rehabilitation Hospital 电话:0510-81885390 0510-83219655 0510-83219650
地址:无锡市钱荣路158号 备案号: 苏ICP备12059189号-1